After reading this section, you will learn how to install and use the Youreka Friendly Photos and e-Signatures Extension Pack.
Before you get started
These articles might be helpful before you read further:
Extension Packs are solutions that help accelerate the Youreka implementation process. This Pack includes Salesforce automation to make Photos and e-Signature Answers easier to work with! Here’s how it helps:
- Shorter Answer Labels: It truncates Answers to a 255 character Answer Label field for easy reporting, use in formula fields, Flows etc.
- Useful Photo Names: When you have Photo/Attachment Questions, it takes the photo label and pushes it to the Answer Label field to better understand the type of photo that was taken. This is very helpful in reporting on photo Answers.
- Related e-Signature Files: When using e-Signature Questions, this will create a link between the captured signature to answer records. This is helpful in the event you want to view the signature from an Answer, or if you are merging the signature or even if you’d like others to have viewing access of the signature in addition to the user who completed the form.
Here is a preview of the solution in action:
Below, we have created a quick form with two e-Signature questions, two photo questions and a couple text questions. We will fill the form, and all of the Answers will be truncated and pushed to the short Answer Label field for easy reporting. The photo labels will push to the Answer Label field, and the e-Signatures will be added as a related Salesforce File.
What is in the Package?
- Two custom Fields on the Answer object (Answer Label and Question Type)
- Three Salesforce Flows
Installing the Package
*Requirements: Be sure to have the most recent Youreka app installed from the AppExchange*
The Extension Pack can be installed in a production or sandbox environment. Here are the installation links:
Production: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t8X000000MmRH
Sandbox: https://test.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t8X000000MmRH
Please install for all users or the profiles who will be creating, viewing, or completing forms.
After installation, there is very little setup required. These are standard Salesforce Flows and will automatically turn on upon install and will just fire in the background using Salesforce Flows as users fill out Forms!
Optional Configuration:
- In the event that you’d like e-Signatures saved as a related file, you will need to turn on a Custom Setting in Salesforce Setup. Here is a support article on all of the custom settings, but for this solution, we just need to visit the Youreka Public Settings record and tick the Save e-Sig as JPG checkbox:
- Optionally, you can spice up some page layouts, but it is not required.
Out of the box, you can view the Answers to a Form by navigating to the gear on the Form and going to View Form Properties. Then you can click on Related and click into an Answer.
If you want to see the new Answer Label field or related e-Signature Files, we will need to update your Answer record Page Layout. From an Answer, you can click on the Salesforce Setup gear, then edit object, then edit the Answer Page Layout and drag in the Answer Label field and related Files List. Here’s a quick walk through:
Bonus points here! A new Lightning Page might be very helpful from a Form to show the Form, details behind it and related records. From a Form, click on the Salesforce Setup gear and click Create Lightning Page. Then add a Tab, drop in the Visualforce component, select the FormDetail name and make this the new Default Tab. Then Activate the page to show the form and related data all on the page layout:
How the Solution Works:
There are three Salesforce Flows:
- Truncate Answer to Label - This flow fires when an Answer record is changed and was not an Attachment/Photo Question Type. For example, when a Form is saved or submitted, all Answer values will push the first 255 characters into the Answer Label field. This is super helpful for reporting, creating formulas, or using Answers in Flows.
- Update Image Answers with Image Title - When someone fills a form and attaches an image or takes a photo, the name of that file is retrieved and pushed to the Answer Label field. This is very helpful when reporting on photo or attachment Answers for photo context. If your photo Question on the Form Template prompts for a photo name, then this is the name that is pushed to the Answer Label:
If you auto name the photo question with the question label or date, that will be the Answer Label value. If you are uploading attachments, those attachment names, will push to the Answer Label. Keep in mind that it only retrieves the first name.
Note: This solution fires one minute after the Form has been Submitted. This is so that the Salesforce File has enough time to publish the image record before we retrieve the name. So it may take a moment to see the name pop up in the Answer Label.
- Create Signature Link with Answer - When an e-Signature Answer has been updated, this solution creates a link between the File and the Answer record. It does this by creating a Content Document Link record. This can be helpful to retrieve the image if you are merging this signature or if you want to simply see the signature in Salesforce. Out of the box, the user who created submitted the Form had visibility to the File, but by linking it to the Answer, it’s easier to find and now anyone who can view that Answer record can now see the e-Signature File image.
That is it. Give yourself a pat on the back then test it out. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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