This article shows you a little hack regarding how to change Youreka's radio buttons to be any icon in the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS)
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When building Form Templates, users have many different question types they can pick from. One of the question types we'll be talking about during this article is the radio button question type. From the Template Builder, users can drag a new question onto the editor, and select Radio Button List in the Question Type picklist, and then begin to define what each radio button option will be. For each radio button, the user can optionally select an icon which is represented inside of each radio button as end users are filling out their forms.
Out of the box, Youreka gives the user 24 different icons to pick from. With that said, a little known secret is that these icons are simply Utility icons made available through the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS). To see a full list of Utility icons from the SLDS, click here. If for some reason, you are not satisfied with the icons that come out of the box with Youreka, can you update the Question Value records in the underlying data structure to use any of the utility icons you wish. Have a look at the GIF below as an example, where the user is updating a question value with several different utility icons in the SLDS.
Considerations for Changing Radio Button Icons
- This appears to work for almost every utility icon in the design system, and nothing beyond that.
- Because this is technically beyond the out-of-box icon set, please understand that you are deviating from the supported version of Youreka when experimenting with icons.
- It is against best practice to edit Form Templates by editing underlying data if those Form Templates are published, with form records already existing. Use caution if editing Question Values directly, and understand that it may have serious implications if there are already form records in existence for that template.
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