We have released a patch for the Quantum release. This patch includes fixes to existing issues in Youreka.
- An option to suppress error emails being sent to Youreka.
- Allow import of larger templates.
- A fix to an issue where the Guided Validation “Prev” and “Next” buttons were not navigating to the correct errors.
- A fix to an issue where fields in a fieldset could not be searched for while in Offline Mode.
- A fix to an issue where Custom Formulas were not calculating when a Form loads.
- A fix to an issue where an incorrect permissions error would occur when attaching an image from the camera roll.
- A fix to a syncing error preventing users from logging out of the app.
- A fix to an issue where Radio Buttons caused the app to restart.
- A fix to an issue where Custom Formulas would not calculate correctly with pre-populated Date/Time values.
- A fix to an issue where values in number fields were not appearing after re-opening a submitted Form.
- A fix to an issue where Guided Validation was ignoring deleted images on Photo/Attachment Questions.
- A fix to an issue where a Managed Template could not be deleted.
- Other small fixes.
Version Info
- Version 3.105
- Current Mobile Version (Blue App) 3.1.91
- New Mobile Version (White App) 3.2.3
- Release Date September 13, 2023
Quantum Patch Update Release Notes
Issues Resolved
- Lookup Filters in Linked Sections not filtering based on answers in the correct Linked Section. If there were multiple linked sections added, a lookup in the second or third linked section would only filter based on the value in the question in the first linked section.
- Lookup Filters not working offline on mobile.
- Lookup Filters improperly filtering checkbox question values offline on mobile.
Outstanding Known Issues
- Data is not filtered if user selects two options in multiselect picklist in the lookup filter
- Data is not filtered with Field Links to a Picklist displayed as a radio button where the picklist/radio button values contain special characters
- Data is not filtered for the date question type
Steps to Implement
- Upgrade the Youreka Salesforce package to version 3.106+
- Upgrade iOS or Android mobile apps to version 3.2.4+
- Update any templates with lookup filters using checkbox questions as filters. This may require creating a new version of your template. Filter values for checkbox questions must be in lowercase for example, true or false. Uppercase instances such as, TRUE or FALSE will not work.
Version Info
- Version 3.106
- New Mobile Version (White App) 3.2.4
- Release Date Septenber 22, 2023
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