New Features
Mobile Redesign
We’ve overhauled the Youreka mobile UI to be simpler and easier to use. A new onboarding modal will introduce users to the changes the next time the app is started. It’s not just the design. We’ve also improved the back end to make saving faster and more efficient. Changing pages now saves in the background, so it doesn’t slow down the form completion process.
Mobile Offline Mode
You can now toggle offline mode on/off directly in the Youreka mobile app. This is helpful for completing forms in areas with a spotty/weak internet connection. Be sure to toggle offline mode back on so that forms will sync to Salesforce when a reliable connection is available. Users will be prompted to return to online mode after 4 hours offline.
Space-Saving Linked Section Card Layout
A new display option is available for linked sections. You can now select to only show a few questions in the collapsed view. This helps save space on forms with lots of linked sections. Selecting a linked section to edit will expand to show all available questions. You can also select a background color and icon to help linked sections stand out.
Display Questions based on Number Answers
In addition to conditionally showing questions based on picklist values, you can now display them conditionally based on an answer to a number, percent, or currency question. Task sections can also be displayed conditionally based on a number question.
Note: Null/empty answer values will be treated as 0 for dependency logic
New Radio button list design
There is a new layout option available for radio button list questions. You can display them horizontally or vertically, select a custom icon, and even select an icon color. This new layout will be the default for new yes/no questions. The existing vertical layout is still available and may be the only option available depending on the number of characters in question value options. Radio button selections can now be unselected after being selected. Existing radio button list and yes/no questions will continue to use the old layout. This layout is not yet available for field link questions.
Filtered Lookups
Field link lookup questions can now be filtered based on field values. For example, if you have a contact with an account lookup, you can use the filter to only allow accounts of a specific account type to be selected.
Dependent Picklists
We’ve expanded our support of Salesforce dependent picklists beyond State/Country to nearly all dependent picklists.
NOTE: Dependent picklists for record types are not fully supported. All possible options for all record types will be displayed. Choosing an option that is not allowed for the governing record will give an error, and the value will not be saved to the governing record.
Fixes / Minor Updates
- The relationship label is now displayed when creating new forms with field links instead of the API name.
- Field link answers are only saved if they’re new or have been edited.
- A fix for an intermittent Data Fetch Launchpad error has been resolved.
- Forms should no longer get stuck with white space at the bottom while scrolling.
- Forms that have been downloaded and manually removed no longer re-appear.
- Long section names now wrap instead of being truncated.
- E-signatures are no longer saved in forms in which they are not edited.
- Android users can no longer click the back button while completing a signature.
- Cancelling a logout no longer gets stuck on a spinner.
- Duplicate photos are no longer created if the form object chatter feed is disabled.
- Page changing arrows are now easier to click.
Complete Forms
- Public sites now display the Save & Close button again in addition to Submit.
- Public sites no longer display ‘undefined’ button labels after a Salesforce domain format update.
- The space between question rows has been reduced.
- The extra space below a free text question has been removed.
- Related linked section records are only updated if a value has been changed.
- An issue validating max answer length has been resolved.
- Clicking a checkbox in one linked section no longer selects the checkbox in previous linked sections. Allow new field link questions should no longer create duplicate records in certain scenarios.
- Required task sections are no longer required on Save&Close, only Submit.
- Long checkbox and radio list question values now wrap correctly.
- When no results are available for a field link lookup question the type ahead should now display ‘No Results.’
- Duplicate records are no longer created when adding linked section records in certain scenarios.
- Saving a form with a linked section containing a hidden required checkbox no longer gives a validation error.
Template Builder
- Inherited values should now work correctly for all custom objects.
- Improved appearance of long discovery types while creating simple discovery rules.
- The yes/no question type now defaults to a horizontal radio-button list with a checkmark and x icon.
Form Detail
- Broken links to related records and certain action menu options have been fixed.
- Discoveries are now clickable to open the related discovery record.
- Opening an archived form no longer displays an error.
Template Import
- No longer raises an error for field links to ‘self.’
- Removes the read-only setting when converting a field link to a text question when the related field does not exist in the org.
Template Validator
- Now works correctly with task sections.
- Improved to detect several more template issues including missing field link relationships and picklist values where the API name does not match the label.
Form Generator
- Now supports allow-new option for secondary relationships.
- Run now option should now perform correctly in all scenarios.
- No longer causes an error when a ‘self’ field link is used in the template.
- Better support for master-detail child objects.
- Now handles two relationships to the same object correctly.
- The get started page should activate correctly when a sandbox is cloned from production and Youreka is not installed directly.
- Exporting answers from the form template detail page now align correctly when the question labels contain commas.
- The get started page should no longer display ‘dml not allowed in constructor’ in some scenarios.
- Irrelevant auto-lock information is no longer displayed for managed templates.
- PDF in Youreka mobile now generates correctly for templates with non-breaking space characters.
- In the form template detail action menu, ‘View Form Properties’ now follows ‘Edit Form Properties.’
- Linked section answers now correctly roll-up all answers to the main answer field on the answer record.
- Running tests that insert/update user records will no longer run the Youreka licensing check.
Limits and Known Issues
- Ad-blockers and Pop-up blockers should be disabled for generating PDFs.
- Free text now renders more accurately but is no longer selectable/clickable in the rendered PDF.
- Template images, photos, and free text are not supporting in IE.
- If you encounter an error downloading PDFs please consult our troubleshooting article.
- Updating formulas in mobile, particularly in Linked Sections, can result in unexpected behavior (value does not appear on form re-open) when a new record has been updated by the formula refresh button, but the form is not submitted. It is recommended that users save or submit rather than pressing ‘Cancel’ to exit the form.
New Metadata (for Profiles/Permission Sets)
These were added in this release and should be included in any cloned/custom Permission Sets or Profiles related to Youreka.
Question (existing object) – grant access to new fields below:
- Lookup Filter
- Lookup Filter Type
- Picklist Dependency
- Picklist for Test 1
- Picklist for Test 2
- In LS Card
- Compact Layout
Question Value (existing object) – grant access to the new fields below:
- Icon
Section (existing object) – grant access to the new fields below:
- LS Icon
- LS Icon Color
- Uses LS Card
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