After reading this article, you will understand how to map data from a Youreka form to the Youreka Form record
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As we know, Youreka's field link feature gives us the ability to map data to fields on just about any object in a Salesforce environment. In some unique situations, you might wish to map data to the Form record itself! In order to do this, you can add a question to a Form Template in the template builder, select Field Link in the question type, and then select self for the field link lookup.
Just like field links to other objects, this will allow you to select from a list of fields on the Form object to maps data to. When these forms are submitted, the answer in your self field link will be mapped to the Form record that the user is interacting with at that time.
Here are some examples of how self field links could be used:
- At the beginning of forms, a form template contains a date/time field called "Form Start". At the end of those forms, the template contains a date/time field called "Form End". The form user fills out these fields when they start and finish filling out the form, and these fields are then mapped back to custom Form Start and Form End fields on the Form object. This would provide form-level date/time stamps, which can be used to calculate how long users utilized the form.
- Create a picklist on the Form record called "Assigned Department", which could allow a Form user to select a department that needs to be notified that the form has been submitted. When the Youreka form is submitted, the department field is updated on the Form record, and an email alert fires to the appropriate group, alerting them that the form has been submitted.
Considerations for using Self Field Links
- Self Field Links can also prove to be an excellent workaround in situations where you are attempting to map form data to an object which is not supported by field links. Data can be mapped to the Youreka Form object directly via Self Field Links, and then mapped to any object of your choosing through the use of custom automation.
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