In this article, you will learn how to change the resolution of photos taken in the Youreka Mobile App.
Before you get started
Note that in order for this feature to work, you must have Youreka installed. These articles might be helpful before you read further:
By default, any photos taken in the Youreka Mobile App are limited to a maximum height or width of 750 pixels, depending on the orientation of the photo (the longest dimension is capped 750). If you need to use the app to capture higher (or lower) resolution photos, you can adjust the maximum photo resolution for all of your mobile users by navigating to the Mobile Admin tab, and adjusting the Mobile Photo Resolution.
The max value is 2000 pixels.
Please consider device memory and data connection speeds when you increase the Mobile Photo Resolution by increasing as little as necessary. Significant increases should be limited to orgs with the newest devices with large amounts of memory and excellent data connections when syncing. Also, please note that in order to prevent large PDF file sizes, only photos under 2.5MB will display on PDFs.
Also consider Syncing Photos Best Practices when choosing a mobile photo resolution.
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