After reading this article, you will see an example of a Youreka and Salesforce Maps setup
Before you get started:
These articles might be helpful before you read this one:
If you are reading this article, it's probably because you are a Salesforce Maps / Youreka customer and wish to learn more about how the two applications can work together. You might also be a Salesforce partner / Salesforce SE who is interested in learning about how these two applications can quickly be stood up. The following tutorial will give you a set of step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this.
Before we get started, let's establish some requirements that we need to address in this particular use case:
- Salesforce Maps must be used to establish a complex route for a user in the field
- The mobile user manages their customer data using the standard Account object
- The mobile user will use the Salesforce Maps mobile app (Salesforce Mobile) to view their route, and navigate to each Account on the map
- When the mobile user arrives, they must complete a complex survey/form while onsite
- The mobile user must be able to easily check-in while onsite
- The user must be able to easily interchange between mobile applications
It's also important that you have both the Salesforce Mobile application and the Youreka Mobile application installed on your mobile device. Visit the iOS or Android stores to install these applications.
Step 1: Create a Form Template
In this demo, we're choosing to use a retail execution use case, where the mobile user is responsible for visiting a retail store and conduct an audit. So, the first thing we'll do is create a Form Template that is designed for the collection of this type of data. Navigate to App Launcher > Youreka > Form Templates > New Form Template.
Use the template builder to design a form. You can either build your own, or choose to download the one you see in the video above. If you download the form template, you need to import it into your Salesforce environment.
In any case, make sure that your form template is field linking to the Account object. Field link questions will map some of your form's questions to the Account object and ensure that the form records are related to each Account that the mobile user visits.
When you are finished with your Form Template, save and publish it.
Step 2: Configure Youreka's Mobile Cards
Youreka's Mobile Cards give you the ability to view specific records on the Youreka Mobile App, as well as Check-In and Check-Out will on the mobile device. The full article on Mobile Cards can be found here (and we really encourage you to read it). However, a quick set of steps can be followed below to get your Mobile Cards set up for this specific tutorial / example. After you are familiar with it, you can feel free to make adjustments based on your specific needs.
- Create a field set on the Account object called "Youreka Account Mobile Cards". Add the Account Name and Shipping Street Address fields to the field save and save it.
- Visit the Mobile Admin tab in Salesforce
- Enable Mobile Cards
- Select Form Account on the primary object selector. This adjusts the mobile app so that users will see a list of Accounts on the main screen, which will be ideal for our mobile users.
- Choose the field set you created just a moment ago for Summary Fieldset. This field set determines which fields show up on the Account cards. As you can see in the example above, the Account Name and Street Address are being displayed.
- Select Create Date Descending in the Form Sort order
- You can leave the Account Filter blank for now, but keep in mind that this filter is important during a full implementation of mobile cards. It determines which Accounts each user sees on their mobile app - and can be integral in driving certain business processes.
- Create a New Form Button. These buttons will allow the mobile user to create new form records while on-the-go. Use the record ID of the form template you created in step 1
- For this example, you can leave Distance Tracking off, simply because we're going to be using Salesforce Maps to navigate our mobile users to each Account. With that said, we'd encourage you to learn about it in the event you may benefit from having it on.
- Choose a field on the Account to sort the Account cards.
- Enable Check-In, and select Check In Account
Step 3: Adjust Page Layouts
This step is simple. Visit your Account Page Layout and/or Account Lightning Page Layout and add the following related lists to the page:
- Forms
- Discoveries
- Check Ins
This will ensure that, as you review Account data in the system, you can easily see the Youreka related information as it is recorded to Salesforce.
Step 4: Create a Deeplink from Salesforce Maps to Youreka
If we review the requirements, we're reminded that the mobile user needs the ability to easily jump from Salesforce Maps to Youreka to easily complete their survey when they arrive onsite. In order to do this, we'll create a button in Salesforce Maps that the user can use to deeplink to the Youreka Mobile app. There are many ways to accomplish this, but in this example, we'll use a formula field on the Account object.
Create a new formula field on the Account object called "Complete Forms". It should be a text formula, and it should look like this:
HYPERLINK('https://yourekaapp.app.link/LseujdfKMK?recordId=' & CASESAFEID(Id), 'Complete Forms')
Step 5: Create a Salesforce Maps Layer
At this point, we need to create a Salesforce Maps Layer that our reps will use to see which Accounts they need to visit. Again, there are several ways this could be accomplished (such as through Map Routes, Advanced Routing, etc.). For this example, we're going to stick with using a simple Account layer which visualizes the Accounts we have in Salesforce.
Navigate to Salesforce Maps, create a new Layer using the Account object, and configure it using any filter logic you wish. Perhaps the filter logic here matches the Account Filter logic that you might have set up when you configured Mobile Cards in Step 2.
Most importantly for this tutorial, add the Complete Forms field as a tooltip on the layer. This will ensure that for each marker on the map, the mobile users will be able to see this hyperlinked formula that we created in Step 4.
Step 6: Test
At this point, you should open your Salesforce Mobile application and visit the Salesforce Maps page. Click on your map layer which should show you a list of Accounts in your Salesforce environment while displaying them on a map. Click on any of the markers on the map, and select Complete Forms. This should take you to the Youreka Mobile app, where the user can Check In. At that moment, they can fill out forms that have been assigned to them, or create new ones with the New Form Button in the bottom righthand corner. When the user is done with their form, they can click Check Out and navigate back to the Salesforce Maps view in Salesforce Mobile.
Common Issues:
- If the Salesforce Maps deeplink consistently opens your mobile browser, and asks if you would like to "Open the Youreka App", click through. On iOS devices, after using the deeplink a handful of times, the device will start to automatically send the user to Youreka.
- If your deeplink successfully brings you to the Youreka mobile app, but not to a specific mobile card, it most likely means that your deeplink is not formatted correctly. Revisit Step 4 in this.
- If your deeplink successfully takes you to the Youreka mobile application, and allows you to Check-In at the Account, but the next screen says "Oops, there are no Forms" - don't worry. It just means that there are no existing form records for this Account. You can either create one on the go using New Form Buttons, or you can choose to create Form records in Salesforce and assign them to this account before the field users visits the location.
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