After reading this article, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up an example form with Youreka.
Before you get started:
These articles might be helpful before you read this one:
Youreka is experienced in addressing complex forms/checklist requirements for businesses in just about any industry vertical you can think of. At the core of each of these use cases lies a few common threads, one of which is an individual who must build and administer forms to the users who are out in the field.
In this tutorial, we pretend as though we are a consumer goods company who has field sales reps going into the field, and collecting intelligence from the retail locations where our products are displayed. The objective is that we wish to digitize the data collection, and streamline the information straight into Salesforce, using Youreka for the entire process.
In the following steps, we go through an example of setting up a Youreka form template, and then we make that form template available to a user out in the field. Feel free to follow along with the video below, or use the step-by-step instructions in this article to build your own form template.
Step 1: Create A Form Template in Salesforce
To begin, follow these steps to create a Form Template in Salesforce:
- Visit the Form Templates tab in Salesforce, either by typing in Form Templates in the App Launcher, or clicking on the Form Templates tab in the Youreka Lightning App.
- Click New Form Template.
- Name your form template Store Audit Form Template.
- Drag a section onto the editor and name it Basic Account Information
- Begin to drag questions into the section. For each question, choose Field Link as the question type. Field Links allow you to map information from a Youreka form to any record/object you wish in Salesforce. When we set these questions to field links, we make it so the form will pre-populate with Account data. It also ensures that the user who fills out these forms can (if we want them to) update these fields on the Account, right from within the form.
- Drag another section onto the canvas, and call this Competitive Intelligence.
- Drag three questions onto the canvas, all of which should be of type Radio Button.
- Add some picklist options for each question.
- Be sure to add some conditional display logic to ensure that these questions only show in certain situations. For example, only show the second question if that answer to the first question is Yes.
- Drag one final section onto the canvas and call this section Store Audit Close Out.
- Drag two questions onto the template, one called Store Manager Name, and one called E-Signature. In this example, we'll have the field rep type in the name of the store manager they spoke with while onsite, as well as sign the audit to confirm that all of the information they entered is accurate and complete.
Step 2: Create Discoveries
Discoveries make your forms actionable. Technically speaking, Discoveries automatically detect certain answers to specific questions in the form, and create a Discovery record in Salesforce as a result. This can be an incredibly powerful tool to streamline business processes and improve the performance of an organization. In this case, we'll use a Discovery to alert the organization when a specific retail location requires additional attention, because of the competitive landscape our field rep records while completing the Youreka form.
To set up Discoveries, following these steps:
- Check the Show Smart Features box on the righthand side of the template builder.
- Click Continue in the top right corner. Click Continue again until you reach the Discovery Rules section of the template builder.
- Click Create a Discovery Rule in the top righthand corner, and name it Highly Competitive Situation.
- Drag all three questions from the Available Questions section onto the Discovery Rules Workspace.
- Assign scores for each question. In our case, we used the following scores:
- If "Are there competitors present?" = Yes, we add 1 point.
- If "Are our prices lower than average, average, or higher than average" = Higher than average, we add 1 point.
- If "How many competitors are there" = Greater than 6, we add 1 point.
- Click on the Discovery Logic tab and define when the Discovery will fire. In our case, we said if greater than 2 points are accumulated, we want the discovery to trigger.
- Finally, in the Target Location tab, we select that we want this Discovery to be related to the Account object if it fires. Put simply, any time a form is related to an Account, and a Discovery fires for that form, we want the Discovery to also be related to that Account. If you don't see Account in the list of drop downs, visit the Discovery object in Salesforce setup and create a lookup relationship from the Discovery to the Account. Then come back to this page (but be sure to save your work before you refresh!).
Step 3: Publish Your Form Template
- Once this is complete, click Save and then Close.
- Publish your form template by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner.
Step 4: Create a Form Record For This Template
At this point, we should assign a form to a user so they can fill it out. Following the next steps to create a Form record, and give it to a user in the field.
- Click New Form on your Form Template page to create a new Form record in Salesforce.
- Select an Account from the list of Accounts in Salesforce. This process ensures that the Youreka form is related to the proper Account record. During this process, you are also ensuring that the form has pre-populated data from this specific account record.
- Click Save the New Form.
- At this point, you will see a copy of your form that we just created in the template builder. This time, it is pre-populated with account data for the account you selected. Now, we want to assign this to a specific user in Salesforce who will be responsible for going out to visit this location and complete the form. You can do this by either re-assigning ownership of the Form record to this individual, or if you wish to fill it out yourself during this tutorial - it's already in your ownership so you're already good to go.
Step 5: Fill out the Form on the Youreka Mobile App
- Log in to the Youreka Mobile App using your Salesforce username and password. If you followed the steps in the previous step, you should see a form waiting for you there. It's the form record you just created in Salesforce.
- Click into the form and begin to fill it out. Notice that it is pre-populated with data from the account. If you wish to change these values, you can do so now. When you submit the form, Youreka will update these fields on the Account record.
- Flip through the pages, completing each question. Notice your conditional display logic showing questions based on answers to previous questions.
- Enter information into each question, complete a signature at the end, and submit the form.
- At this point, if the device is online, it will update all of the data in Salesforce. If the device is not connected to the internet, it will wait until connectivity is re-established.
Step 6: Review the Data In Salesforce
- Revisit the Form record you created earlier back in the Salesforce desktop experience, and refresh your page. All of the data that was collected on the mobile device is now available back in the system.
What we've just done is create a brand new form template, connect it to the Account object in Salesforce, publish the template for our mobile users to use. We created a form record and assigned it to a user to fill out on the Youreka Mobile app. Finally, that user completed the form and submitted all of the data back to Salesforce.
Next Steps:
If you want to continue to build out Youreka from here, consider these articles:
- Configuring the Form Template Object
- Configuring the Form Object
- Creating Forms with Salesforce Automation
- Enabling Youreka's Mobile Cards
- Configuring Form Cards
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