The purpose of this article is to give you a simple checklist that you can use to ensure that all of your users are ready to start using Youreka.
Before you get started:
These articles might be helpful before you read this one:
Use the following checklist to ensure that all users have everything they need in order to be successful with Youreka.
First Things First...
- Getting Started - Review the Getting Started steps to ensure that you've successfully activated Youreka in the Salesforce environment.
Youreka Licenses
- Youreka Admin User Licenses - Ensure that all of your form admins have a Template Builder Youreka License. This can be done by visiting the Youreka Licenses tab. If you are currently using a Youreka trial, you do not need to complete this step.
- Youreka End User Licenses - Ensure that all of your end users (mobile or desktop, internal or community) have a Youreka License. This can be done by visiting the Youreka Licenses tab. If you are currently using a Youreka trial, you do not need to complete this step.
- Integration User Licenses - Ensure that any integration user (Pardot Integration User, FSL Optimization User, Mulesoft, etc.) is carrying a Youreka license. This step is often forgot. Remember, any user (human or otherwise) that needs to create/complete forms will need to have a Youreka license.
A Youreka license alone is not enough for an end user to use Youreka. They must have the necessary permissions to do so as well. These permissions can be provided at the profile level, or more commonly, through the use of a Youreka-related permission set.
- Youreka-Related Permissions - Ensure all Youreka users (users that create form templates, form records, complete forms - human or otherwise) have access to Youreka's objects, as well as
- Non Youreka-Related Permissions - Ensure all Youreka users have access to the objects that Youreka's forms are related to. For example, if a Youreka form is field linking to Accounts, the users will need access to Accounts.
We recommend developing a system early on in your implementation (well-defined permission sets, a clear and unchanging set of profiles, etc.), and sticking to it throughout. Consider creating a process that ensures each end user who needs it receives a permission set assignment and license before testing begins.
Mobile App
- Installing the Mobile App - Each user who will be collecting information in the field will require the Youreka Mobile App. These users can install the mobile app from the iOS and Google Play stores. If you are choosing to use a MDM solution, you can provide access to the Youreka Mobile via your MDM solution.
- Training Materials - Do you have proper training materials for your end users to help them understand how to log in and use the Youreka Mobile App.
Session Settings
- Session Settings - Review session settings in the Youreka Connected App, and either verify that there should not be a timeout value, or, if there is a timeout value, ensure that the timeout value is appropriate for your implementation. Remember, session settings can automatically log end users out of the Youreka Mobile App.
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