After reading this article, you will understand what the Youreka Connected App is, and why you may choose to use it.
Before you get started:
These articles might be helpful before you read this one:
Because the Youreka mobile app is built using the Salesforce mobile SDK, certain attributes about it can be controlled by using Salesforce's Connected Apps.
Installing the Connected App
In order to access the Youreka connected app, visit Setup in your Salesforce environment, and use the search bar to find Connected Apps OAuth Usage. In this list, you should see Youreka, with options to Block, as well as Install (or perhaps Uninstall, if you have already installed the application). If you do not see Youreka as an option, try logging into Youreka on your mobile application and then returning to your desktop computer and refreshing your browser tab in the setup menu. The Youreka connected app should be displayed.
After installed, admins can click Manage App Policies to review the application's settings.
Many things can be done in this menu. For example, if an admin wishes to adjust the timeout value for Youreka mobile users (perhaps to 1 hour) or require their users to set PIN codes** to access the app, they can adjust these settings from here.
**Note: Due to a Salesforce Mobile SDK version update, Youreka mobile apps with version numbers *higher* than 3.1.63 will respect the passcode requirement, however will ignore minimum length, timeout and biometric settings. Additionally, these versions will leverage the device pin code, rather than an in-app mobile PIN.
Additionally, from this screen, admins can add custom attributes to the Youreka Mobile app. For example, if admins wished to prevent their end users from copying and pasting data from a Youreka form to another mobile app on their device, they could choose to use the DISABLE_EXTERNAL_PASTE attribute.
Considerations for The Youreka Connected App
- Within the Youreka Connected App, you can configure Session Policies, which define how long a user's session can last before reauthenticating. If the threshold is crossed, the user will automatically be logged out of the Youreka Mobile App.
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