In this article, you will learn about how to calculate scores from within a form.
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In-form scoring allows you to assign numerical values to responses in picklist type questions, and then calculate and display scores in currency, number and percent type questions
In order to set up in-form scoring, you will first need to create picklist or radio button questions and define their options. No special configuration on the questions needs to be made to enable this feature. Once you have your picklist questions add a currency, number or percent type question to your form template to store your score. Navigate to the Custom Formula tab at the far right. Set Calculate answer value with a custom formula? to Yes.
For each Row, select a Section and Question that you would like to include in your scoring. The options for that question will appear to the right. Clicking the pencil icon next to each option will allow you to input a score value. When you are done editing the value, click the check mark to save. Add a Row to include more questions in your score calculation. Number questions can be included in these calculations—their score value will be the number value of the answer provided.
Once you have assigned scores to all your desired options, you can use the formula field in the bottom portion to define how to calculate the total score.
Once your scores are assigned are formula written, click save to save the question.
Note: Formulas will not calculate until all the supporting questions have been answered. Formulas hidden by display logic will calculate even when they are not displayed in the form.
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