After reading this article, you will understand how to configure Pulsar to work with Youreka in order to be able to complete forms while offline on a device.
Before you get started
This article might be helpful before you read further:
Pulsar for Salesforce allows customers to leverage Youreka from a Windows device. It is a paid third party app available for purchase from Luminix and is not included in your purchase of Youreka Licenses.
Youreka will only work on supported Pulsar Windows devices. For iOS and Android devices, the Pulsar app is available, however, we recommend that you continue to use the Youreka Mobile App.
How it Works
Users can create and complete forms directly from the Youreka for Windows Pulsar app from pre-built Form Templates. Alternatively, users can download pre-created Youreka Forms to the Pulsar app and do all their work right within each Form.
When beginning work ensure the user is online and Syncs all data from Salesforce to Pulsar in advance. Please note that if a user may experience connectivity issues, it is recommended to use Youreka for Pulsar in the offline state.
If a user plans to create forms from the Youreka for Pulsar app, they can follow the following steps
- In the Pulsar app go to the Create Forms App. The name of the app will be the same as the Pulsar file name.
- Open the Form Template lookup.
- Select a Form Template that has been published. The Status should read “In Use”.
- Once selected, click Next and the Youreka app will launch within Pulsar and allow for completion of the form.
If a user plans on using forms created in Salesforce, they can follow the following steps
- In the Pulsar Mobile app go to the Forms icon.
- On the Forms List View find the Form to be completed and open it.
- On the bottom-right corner click the Clipboard Icon to complete the form.
- The Youreka app will launch within Pulsar and allow for completion of the form.
Pulsar Installation and Setup
- Install the Pulsar App in your Org from the Appexchange. Instructions for installation can be found in the Luminix Installation Guide.
- Assign Pulsar Licenses to the relevant users, see the article Pulsar - License Assignment.
- Install the Pulsar App on the your Device, see the article Pulsar - App Installation Process.
Enabling Youreka within Pulsar
- Download the Youreka Forms.pulsarapp.zip file that has been provided. Remove the “.zip” ending from the file.
- Upload Youreka Pulsar app:
- In your Salesforce Org go to the Files Tab.
- Go to the Libraries sub-tab.
- Click New Library. Name the new library Youreka Pulsar App.
- Click Save.
- Click on the Youreka Pulsar App Library link.
- Click Add Files and then click Upload Files. Select the Youreka Complete Forms.pulsarapp file from the location it was downloaded to and click Open.
- Click Done.
- Click Add Files and then click Upload Files. Select the Youreka Create Forms.pulsarapp file from the location it was downloaded to and click Open.
- Click Done.
Click Manage Members. Add any users that will be using the app as Library Administrators or define their access with at least Read access.
- Get the Record ID of the Youreka Pulsar Apps just uploaded:
- Click the arrow on the Youreka Complete Forms file just uploaded and select View File Details.
- Copy and save the Record ID from the URL.
- Click the Arrow on the Youreka Create Forms file just uploaded and select View File Details.
- Copy and save the Record ID from the URL.
- Go to the Pulsar Settings Manager App in your Salesforce Org. Click the PulsarSetting Tab.
- Click New and create the following PulsarSettings records to use Youreka, clicking Save & New after adding each one:
Pulsar Setting Name Key Value Sync Objects pulsar.sync.objects Account
LuminixPulsar__PulsarSetting__cAllow Base 64 Data of Document Object pulsar.sync.base64download.enabledObjects Document
Attachment Image Quality pulsar.attachment.ImageQuality 100
Attachment Max Side Pixels pulsar.attachment.maxSidePixels 1024
Attachment Thumbnail Max Side Pixels pulsar.attachment.thumbnailMaxSidePixels 50
Show tabs on Form Detail Screen pulsar.layout.disco__Form__c.doclist a2r3t000005aKTBAA2
Insert Record Id for the Complete
Forms app from Step 3bHide the Form List View Create button pulsar.disco__Form__c.toplevellist.hideCreateButton TRUE Redirect to Youreka Edit Forms
From Create FormsyourekaEditFormPathInfo a2r3t000005aKTBAA2 || Youreka Forms
Insert Record Id for the Complete Forms app from Step 3b
List of Home Page
Content Library Tabspulsar.home.contentLibraryTabs a2r3t000005aKTBAA2
Insert Record ID for the Create Forms app from step 3d
Home Screen Icons pulsar.home.topPositions contentLibraryTabs Hide the Standard Edit button
on the Form objectpulsar.layout.hideEditButton disco__Form__c:Default Global Shared Web Resources pulsar.docs.enableHTMLResources TRUE Tab Definition for Youreka Forms pulsar.home.contentLibraryTabs.InsertRecordIDHere 0,71,200
Insert Record ID for the Complete Forms app from Step 3b into the Key
Upload this image as an Attachment in the Related List of this Settings Record
Tab Definition for Create Forms pulsar.home.contentLibraryTabs.InsertRecordIDHere 0,71,200
Insert Record ID for the Complete Forms app from Step 3b into the Key
Upload a desired image as an Attachment in the Related List of this Settings Record. This will be the icon on the Pulsar Homepage
HomePage Hide Unsynced
Object Tabspulsar.home.hideUnsyncedTabs TRUE Show custom button in
Form Detail Screenpulsar.layout.disco__Form__c.doclist.icon Upload a custom icon as
a File & Attachment to this settingRemove Pulsar Navigation Buttons pulsar.docs.hideNavigation
Ensure that all Objects related to Forms and any additional objects needed in Pulsar are added to the Sync Objects setting and are synced to the device before beginning work. - Create any additional needed Pulsar Settings for your needs. Please see these articles for reference.
- Ensure users have the correct Pulsar permissions.
- Mobile Cards are not available.
- New form creation is not available.
- No access to barcode scanner.
- Field Sets in Lookups are not supported within Pulsar, only the record name is available.
- Salesforce formulas are not supported in field links.
- Shared Linked Sections are not working offline and online currently.
Known Issues within Pulsar
- There is an answer syncing issues that occur while online. To avoid this, we recommend completing forms offline and then coming online after completing/submitting the form.
- A "resolve conflict" error may appear when attempting to save/submit a form. To avoid this, we recommend manually syncing before completing a form.
- Form Status shows submitted on Page Change when using the Hamburger Menu
- Delete icon missing for Date and date/time question.
- Date/Time answers are not saving correctly in Salesforce due to timezone differences.
- Date answers go missing upon form reopen but the answer record still exists in Salesforce.
- A non-required geolocation question is being treated as required and validated upon saving the form.
- Duplicate Inherited Shared Linked Sections are created upon saving a form. When viewing a form on the form detail page, there is a red box error.
- Read-Only Behavior is not respected in Pulsar.
- When trying to upload a second photo to a form, a duplicate image appears. This is a UI glitch, and the duplicate photo is not actually saved.
- When you delete attached photos from the form, you're not able to upload additional photos. You will have to close the form out and re-enter to upload photos.
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