After reading this article, you will understand how to add Enhanced Lookup Filters to your Form Template in-form lookups.
Before you get started
These articles might be helpful before you read further:
Introduction Enhanced Lookup Filters
When admins are creating filters on their custom formulas on questions, having Enhanced Lookup Filters can prevent user mistakes by not offering lookup values that should not be picked. Enhanced Lookup Filters can also make it faster for users to find relevant items.
Reasons why you might want to use field links are as follows:
Enhanced Lookup Filters allow for more flexibility to field link lookups by allowing the filters to reference data from field linked records, as well as allow for lookup filters to reference answers in the form.
How to use Enhanced Lookup Filters
Within the Form Template Builder, upon entering the edit question modal for a Field Link Lookup Field question, you will be able to see the Enhanced Filter options when the admin is adding a Lookup Filter to the Question.
You can select a total of 3 different filter options to display on specific results as shown below:
Considerations for using Enhanced Lookup Filters
- Allow for up to 3 conditions, each of which can compare a field on the record being looked up to either a fixed value (such as equal to) or to an answer on the form (equal to another question), similar to conditional logic. For comparisons to Answers on the form only “equal to another question” is allowed, no other comparison operators are supported. For comparisons to fixed values the previously existing operators (<,<=,>,>=,=,<>) are still supported.
- The 3 conditions can each be a comparison to an answer or to a fixed value, combining the filter types is supported.
- The conditions will use the AND operator in the queries for the matches.
- Questions you can filter by:
- If question is in a Linked Section
- You can select any other questions of valid types in any Standard Section
- You can select any other questions of valid types in the same Linked Section (on Complete Form it is within that LS within the same record
- If question in a Standard Section
- You can select any other questions of valid types in any Standard Section
- If question is in a Linked Section
- Questions you can never filter by:
- E-Signature
- Attachment/Photo
- Geolocation
- Content-types (free text, template image, space, 3d model)
- No restrictions will be made to compare fields only to questions of similar type (e.g., Account Type can be filtered to be equal to a text question)
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