After reading this section, you will learn how to install the Communication, Media, and Technology Accelerator. You will also learn how to select the pre-built templates and upload them for customization.
Before you get started
These articles might be helpful before you read further:
The goal of Youreka’s Accelerator packages are to help customers get immediate value for their investment in Youreka with prebuilt fields, objects, automation, mobile field sets and form templates all included within the package. Youreka's Accelerator package is an unmanaged package in Salesforce. This article walks through the installation process, selecting prebuilt templates, uploading those templates and polishing them for use.
What is in the Package?
Twenty form templates, including:
Internet Self Install Checklist
Here is a direct download for importing the form template and below is a preview:
Fiber Optic Preparation
Here is a direct download for importing the form template and below is a preview:
Wireless Survey
Here is a direct download for importing the form template and below is a preview:
Cable Self Install Checklist
Here is a direct download for importing the form template and below is a preview:
Distribution Panel Surge Inspection
Here is a direct download for downloading the form template and below is a preview:
Cable System Install Quality Assurance
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Antenna Project Worksheet
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Satellite Dish Preventative Maintenance
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Drone Cell Tower Inspection
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Cellular Tower Inspection
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Telephone Pole and Line Assessment
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Telco Vegetation Management Assessment
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Vehicle Safety Inspection
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Property Survey
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Customer Incident Report
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Storm Preparedness Checklist
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Accident Report and Prevention
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Electric Safety Inspection
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Pre-Work Safety Checklist
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
Pre-Work Covid Assessment
Here is a direct download of the form template and below is a preview:
The Package also includes:
- 1 App providing available prebuilt form templates
- 1 Meta Data Object that houses our template list
Custom fields including:
- 2 formula fields to make the form more attractive and understandable (Subject - Account Name on Work Order and Work Order Number on the Work Order)
- 5 relationship fields from Work Order Line Items and Assets to Form and from Form to Work Orders; also from discovery to account and work order, so that you don’t have to create these fields
- Fields on template library list to allow us to select which templates to use
- Several images for use inside of each form template
- 1 tab linking to template downloads in the app
- 1 Permission Set
Installing the Package
*Requirement: be sure to have the full Youreka app installed from the AppExchange.*
The Accelerator package can be installed in a production or sandbox environment. Here are the installation links:
Prod: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tDn000000gyQG
Sandbox: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tDn000000gyQG
Then login to your target Salesforce environment and click the link above. Install for specific profiles, who will be the users managing and using the templates. Then click Install:
If you have conflicting field names, the package will error. For example, if you’ve already created relationship fields between the Forms Object and Work Order, you will receive this error:
You can delete this relationship field and then the package will create it, rename the Relationship name or just install the templates by hand as noted in the Importing Form Templates section below.
If your administrator manages Youreka users through Permission Sets rather than Profiles, we’ve also included a permission set in the package. This will grant access to the new fields we are installing. Here is a capture below of adding the Youreka Accelerator permission set to users:
Once you’ve installed successfully, please navigate to the Salesforce App Launcher in the top left and search for the Youreka CMT Accelerator App. This will default to list of available templates available in this release.
Click on the right to navigate to the most recent version of each form template available and download the template so it can be imported:
Importing Form Templates
To import a template, navigate to the tab called Form Template Import. This tab can be found in the Youreka CMT Accelerator App. Then drag a file to the area designated for uploading files, or select Upload and choose the file from your local hard drive. Finally, click Upload JSON file.
The importer will bring in all components from the JSON file except for template images. Good news though, we’ve packaged up a collection of images, so you can add those back quickly after we save the template.
Then we’ll need to select Save Form Template:
On the final screen, select Finish and then we can dig into the template and polish it up as needed:
After uploading each template, the new form template will pop open in a new tab. If you’d like to upload additional templates, return to the Import tab and repeat the process.
Adding Images to Form Templates
The import tool does not include image transfer, but the package includes the necessary images so we’ll have to edit each form template template and locate the image questions within.
If your new template is open from the Import process, you can click edit directly from there:
If the template tab is no longer open, you can navigate to the Form Templates tab. This is where you can click into any of the Form Templates you’ve imported and can begin to edit and add images:
Then select your desired Form Template record and click Edit. From here, you can scroll through the template and identify any images that we will need to upload. Once you’ve identified an image or gif to be replaced, click on the pencil on the right of the question to Edit Content:
From the Edit Content screen, you will see that the package has pre loaded the appropriate images. Select the appropriate image on the right and we’re ready to publish!
From there, you can change any question language, add or remove questions.
That’s it! You’re now ready to test your Form Template and Publish.
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